List of historic valves in the ase-museoedelpro collection
Here a list of the historic valves in the collection, including a survey of early valves, up to mid 1930s, power and transmitting tubes, VHF and UHF types, tubes designed for radar application and several very early prototypes designed and built during the British radar development, magnetrons, klystrons, and conventional gridded types. There are also more recent types added because of their operating principles or even because they are evolutions of early types.
The ASE-Museoedelpro collection includes several hundred types of valves. This is only a partial list that will be updated as more valve records are ready. Last update: Rev. 0, January 2025.
Type Description    
1B42 Mercury spark gap, radar pulse modulator. Western Electric Liquid mercury was used to continually renew the surface of the negative electrode 
2H21 Phasitron' FM modulator, General Electric. Also available the 5593.
2J21 / 2J21A Magnetron, very early unstrapped X-band, 1941. Westinghouse
2J22 ÷ 2J29 Family of S-band magnetrons. 250 kW typical pulses
2J36 12-vane X-band magnetron. Still unstrapped, it appeared early in 1942, being registered to Raytheon only after the war, in October 1945. Used in the AN/MPN-1 ground controlled precision approach radar system.
2J38 / 2J39 Fixed frequency low power magnetrons operating at 3.300 MHz. Integral magnet. Registered to Raytheon in October 1945, RMA record 445.
2J51A Packaged magnetron mechanically tunable from 8.5 to 9.6 GHz. 20 to 70 kW peak power by moving one to four magnetic shunts. Western Electric. Full description given in 1946 in the Bell System Technical Journal. 
2J55 / 2J56 Fixed frequency variants of the 2J51A    
2J61(A) / 2J62(A) Mechanically tunable S-band magnetrons with overlapping frequency coverage. Designed to replace the family of fixed frequency types 706AY to 706GY. Registered to Raytheon in October 1945, RMA record No. 445.
2K33 (A, B) Raytheon K-band reflex klystron. Derived from early prototypes of VX302 developed in UK in the Clarendon Laboratory from 1941. In the UK the devvelopment of the 24 GHz radar was abandoned due to the excessive attenuation caused by water vapor.
2K50 K-band reflex klystron developed in 1944 by Western Electric. Thermally tuned by electronic bombardment. Waveguide flange.
3B600 Power triode intended for electro-medical applications. Fivre
3C27(B) / 3C37 UHF power triode derived from the British milli-micropup family. National Union replaced the flying wires with a coaxial connector and in the 3C37 added a finned radiator on the grid connection for better pulse operation when the grid was heavily driven positive.
3F3-TRX Forced-air cooledn 3 kW transmitting triode. Fivre
3F20-TA Transmitting triode, external radiator or water jacket.  22 kW. Fivre
3F22-TA Transmitting triode, compact folded anode variant of the 3F20-TA. Fivre 
4C27 UHF transmitting triode, 'micropup' style. U.S. equivalent to British CV92, CV199, NT99 and to Canadian REL 7
4C28 UHF transmitting triode, 'micropup' style. Designed by RCA for the SHORAN navigation system.